Monday, 26 November 2012

Lazer cutting

I had my designs packaging designs ready for lazer-cutting on friday so i could put the box together over the weekend.
I was able to  lazer cut a 2mm troff for the acetate to slide into so i had to get a technician to help me set up the right setting to do that.

As my Wood is 6 mm it is the thickest possible material that you can cut on the lazer cutter so i knew it would have to cut round the shape a number of times. But i wasn't ready for the pain staking wait that i was in for. It took a good hour or so to cut round everything and also the troff. I was aware that it might not of cut all the way through and i would have to send it around again. I was correct it didn't cut all the way thought and i already had some serious burn marks as the wood got extremely hot. I sent it round again with took ages.

As you can see above the box has burn't really badly due to the intese heat cause by the really concentrarted heat off the laser cutter. 

There is a whole the back i forgot to take into account that this would happen if i cut to the end. 

This is the design i sent to laser cutter. i minimised the lines to be cut by putting the pieces together this would also insure that the pieces fit together. 

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