Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Getting T-shirt Designs ready for print

The pattern design t-shirt despite my best efforts had holes and little gaps. which is so annoying having to go though and sort them out. it's not just as simple as moving the shape as that sometimes creates new gaps. 

These two photos below show that you may see a gap when you are zoomed in but when you are at a normal very you can't see it. this makes it very annoying and makes it hard to spot these bloody holes in my work. 

Here is the finished pattern with no gaps. finally. 

I then split the finished design and pattern into 3 colours so we could print them out easily and they should theoretically line up beautifully. 

This is the final design which we will be sending to dots print. we would love to do this ourselves but been relatively new to screen printing we feel that there is to much money that could be wasted trying to perfect 3 separate colours. I feel that we haven't got enough experience but after i have got my confidence up i hope to be pushing multiple colour though screens.

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