My project is based on a quote/saying i have recently herd which goes like, "It's like trying to describe colour to a blind person". I really find this quote fascinating and it got me thinking whether i could actually do this so i set out to create a typeface which resembles this quote.
This is my inital page of drawings. my idea is to have a simple type face which is easy to read and then when edited and group together it becomes illegable and hard to read. This is meant to represent how easy it is to explain colour when someone isn't blind when the text is easy to read and simple compared to when i edit it and it becomes impossible to read.
I experimented with a few more ideas in illustrator
here i am starting to produce more letters as i have picked my style
This is the upper and lower case letters i have produced
DEvelopment for typeface
Here is a quick typeface i made to look like brail but it doen't have the effect i wanted it to have at all so i won't be developing it further.
Here is a typeface i created which was ment to resemble an eyeball thus relating to my initial quote. i named it Spoc Hunting for Bears no idea why its just a bit of a crazy font so i figured the name needed to resemble this.
Here is a poster created using the quote "Its like trying to describe colour to a blind person" the type face is easily editable so i made this poster look nice and confusing to people looking at it which i think the quote does when you read it.
Some more posters created using the font Codex Yams.
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