Sunday, 8 April 2012

Book Binding

In Preparation for Book Binding we lazer cut the front and back cover using a 3mm thick board which i found in my portfolio to give it support. The front had the Fedrigoni shield cut out of it at the right place so you can see through the book to the 21st page. 

There was a wide selection of book-rum we could of chosen from. we went with a dark grey on picking this choice we were told this specific rum had a tendency to bobble. We decided this would be no issue as we aren't submitting the book only proposing it.
Me and Max wanted to perfect bind the book to give the impression of professionalism to the product. After been given some advice on the subject we were told that a perfect bind would be difficult due to the thickness of the stock we had chosen. 

After talking it out we decided there were a few other options we could peruse so we just covered our covers in book-rum. To get the curvature of the shield we had to slice it into sections so not to distort the shape. This worked very well. Although disappointed about not been able to bind and a long conversation about our current options i still have a lot of hope for this book to work. 

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