Monday, 30 April 2012

Record Labels

Open publication - Free publishing - More labels

Here i had a look at some current independent record labels to see what others in the market are doing.
There is a list on wikipeadia of all the british independent labels and after browsing a huge amount of them i found that Hypercolour is one of the well designed ones. 

Thoughts on Briefs Direction

While browsing Youtube i came across a record label named HyperColour. After spending a good amount of time listening to their music and trolling through their website and youtube channel i thought that for a well designed company with a large amount of signed artist they just weren't getting the following they dissevered. 
With only 800 subscribers and less than a 800,000 video views i was shocked at how barley know one is aware of this record label despite the wide range of genres it covers and the good music its churning out. 

I would be really keen on seeing if i could help bring this company into the light it deserves. 

Workshop 2

Thoughts on chosen Briefs

I would really fancy doing some illustration for this next brief. I think i would be strong at creating humorous pieces as i feel like its something i could do well and enjoy.

I like the ministry of sound brief due to the fact it is about the music industry and i feel like it is something i can relate to and would enjoy

This ISTD brief is a whole rebrand and i feel with my strong branding skill this would be right up my street. 

Workshop 1

The Brief i like

These are my chosen briefs and i feel like i have a broard range of briefs from type to illustration and also branding. this leaves it very open to any direction i end up choosing. 

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Web session 2

Need to know who you are designing for?
What do they need to know?

Use web safe colours.
limited to what fonts you can use.
resolution 800x600.

what you see is what you get.
html. hype text markup language.
/ means finished
html tags

<html> </html>
<title> </title>
<body> </body>
<head> </head>

This is the order they are ment to go in


View/Developer/view source

Folder all lower case
Folder called "images"

Site/ new site.
save home page as index


Click on link button choose Css file and it should like up
Alt + 3 is hash key

Monday, 23 April 2012

Evaluation Image

1. What skills have you developed throughout this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them? 

I developed my illustrating skills in this module. I bought a graphic tablet and this module has given me the time and briefs where i could explore this for the first time. I only really illustrated for one brief so i didn't really experiment as much i could of. One week briefs ment i had to manage my time well which i feel like i have done.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process? 
My illustrator skills and also my tablet skills were improved as illustrating is something i have never done before but i really enjoyed it and the work i did draw turned out looking really good. I will definitely try and draw more and hopefully become really confident adding to my existing skills. 

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these? 
I have produced some nice prints and i was happy with the book i have made. i will try to make some prints to sell and some of the things i made may be used im my portfolio. 

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in future? I 
I lacked development i did some and drew things out occasionally but i never documented as i was going along so when it comes to blogging it i didn't know where it had gone. 

5. Identify five things you will do differently next time and what you expect to gain from doing these? 
1. Develop more to help produce better work

2. Pick subjects which motivate me as i think there was only one which i enjoyed 

3. Draw and illustrate more would help me branch out as a designer

4. Keep up to date with blogging


6. How would you grade yourself in the following areas: 
Attendance 5
Punctuality 5  
Motivation 2
Commitment 3
Quantity of work produced 2
Quality of work produced 3
Contribution to the group 5


Type as image Redo

I went back to redo the type as image posters as i only really liked one of them. 
Here i made the a computer chip sort of thing and made it glow. not happy with this at all but i guess its an improvement on my first idea. 

I looked at a different quote here and i like this outcome but i prefer my original one for this article

2D To 3D

Here is My 2D to 3D outcome. not to happy with this as i stupidly said the word dungarees which was not to enjoyable but also i want the legs to move but i  never got round to it.

FMP Image

My project is based on a quote/saying i have recently herd which goes like, "It's like trying to describe colour to a blind person". I really find this quote fascinating and it got me thinking whether i could actually do this so i set out to create a typeface which resembles this quote. 

This is my inital page of drawings. my idea is to have a simple type face which is easy to read and then when edited and group together it becomes illegable and hard to read. This is meant to represent how easy it is to explain colour when someone isn't blind when the text is easy to read and simple compared to when i edit it and it becomes impossible to read. 

I experimented with a few more ideas in illustrator 

here i am starting to produce more letters as i have picked my style

This is the upper and lower case letters i have produced 

DEvelopment for typeface

Here is a quick typeface i made to look like brail but it doen't have the effect i wanted it to have at all so i won't be developing it further.
Here is a typeface i created which was ment to resemble an eyeball thus relating to my initial quote. i named it Spoc Hunting for Bears no idea why its just a bit of a crazy font so i figured the name needed to resemble this.

Here is a poster created using the quote "Its like trying to describe colour to a blind person" the type face is easily editable so i made this poster look nice and confusing to people looking at it which i think the quote does when you read it.

This is my Typeface poster i have created for my main typeface Codex Yams. I did both an upper and lower case just because i go into this and felt like i could of taken it even further.

Some more posters created using the font Codex Yams.

D&AD Rain Brief

Final idea taking more of a comedic route and using a place where there is no like or rain to promote our glorious rain and green surroundings. 

again another fail of an idea don't know where this going but.

First concept was about epic movie scenes using rain but i didn't like the progress at all.

Star Wars Spoof

Here is the front cover and the theme for my book designed for the book fair at leed university. I couldn't find a theme i wanted to do using A' colour, A shape of something like that so i twisted the words to make it a very open project. The Colour of the Darkside is what i went for and i thought that a star wars book would have a big target audience. 

I had just bought a graphic tablet so i really wanted to do some animation which i never have done before so i wanted to test my skills out. I had seen this spoof years back where it had a running joke that Yoda was constantly stoned so i decided this would be an amusing animation to attempt. This animation took me about 3 days i think this was because i had never have animated before and never used a tablet either so hopefully they all won't take this long. 

Herc is one i did of my favourite character. Been a bounty hunter this man loves getting paid so i edited a photo created a background. not to happy with this image but if i have time i will explore it more. 

Here is a vector of an X-Wing fighter which is one of the most iconic ships in the films apart from the millenium falcon. obvs. I am happy with the way it has turned out but deary me it took forever.

Another image i edited using the character Darth Vader. Him been a very serious character i thought it it would be funny if he talked more like a guy would. I think if he said this in the film Luke may of changed his mind about not joining the darkside. 

Well a very iconic part of the star wars film the naughty gold bikini. i had to get this in my book so here it is a small bit of type and a nice natural gradient in the background. 

Han Solo is a badman so i took one of his quotes and edited some type. i really like this poster an i particularly like the colours used. 

Don't like this poster at all this one isn't going into the book. 

R2D2 the most famous robot of the film. He may not talk but he beeps a lot which could be mistaken for him swearing all the time so this is a poster highlighting this. 

Problely my favourite poster of the series. StormTroopers all looking the same i and this image bellow made me come up with an cracking idea. This poster is one of my favourites and am really happy with the outcome. 

i swaped a dog for a walker in this poster simple and effective.

Again another animation. i felt like i got really into animating and the ones i did animate and the best posters by far i wish i had more time to animate them all. This one was a play on the characters name Chewbacka aka chewie and put it into a sentence.