Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Prolifera-Tech Self Evaluation

My skills that I have developed in Prolifera-Tech Brief is communicating with client and doing my research into a brief that I have no idea about and creating a solid concept for the logo and the entire range of products to go with it.
Another skill that has had to develop is management skills. This brief was collaboration with Eddie. Although he is a good designer he has a tendency to get board relatively quick. I just had to keep him on track and do a bit of friendly nagging. He did work really well in the end and I’m happy I worked with him as we make a good pair when it comes to design. We do have different ideas and design skills but I think that’s why it worked.

My approaches to design were very concept driven I didn’t want to just create a corporate logo I wanted and idea and an image that related to the company. This worked very well in the end creating a logo, which the client is happy with and has really been thought about then executed.

My strengths in this brief are branding I feel like I have done a really good job at it for this brief. Also My final products look really nice and much better than the work I was producing last year. I am starting to experiment with a range of print processes and push myself like I know I can.

The brief could of taken much less time to complete. It was one of my first briefs of the year so I found it hard to judge the pace right off the bat. If I were to do it again I probably would have taken half the time to complete it.

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