Tuesday, 11 December 2012

It's Nice That, Self Evaluation

My skills I have developed during the ‘It’s Nice That’, brief have been mainly time management and also a bit of layout design. It was a very short brief but I feel like I had a good concept and idea generation and with a little more time I could of really pushed it further. Before this year I used InDesign very rarely so when I do use it I feel like I am constantly developing my skills within the software.

My approaches that I will change for next time will be to pick the brief according to time frame and choose the a better place for them to go within the module. I ended up rushing this brief as it was all about getting content rather than design. I feel if id did a branding brief in the same amount of time I could have double the amount of work.

My strengths are definitely the concept for this brief I had a good idea just ran out of time and rushed it massively.

My boards for this brief are god awful I am really unhappy with my final products and my boards they just look terrible. I am ashamed of them they are that bad.

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