Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Lazer Cutting

Me and Max went down to lazer cutting to cut out the version of the coasters we plan to put in the sample pack we plan to send out. In total we plan to cut out 6 designs fitting these all on A3 sheets. It took time to lazer cut as we had a specific system needed to get perfect or the colours would of gone wrong. 

Here are the final cuts from our morning of lazer cutting. Due to our anal naming system we were able to get the right colours for each coaster relatively easy considering we had 90 shields scattered infront of us. 

Here are the offcuts from the centre of the coaster. have no real use for them but will keep them just incase they end up having a use. 

Here are all the finished coasters in all there glory. Me and Max are extremely happy with how they have turned out and are excited to take this project further now we have mad something we are happy with.

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