Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Initial thoughts on YCN Briefs

Google Brief
I initially like the google brief as i enjoy packaging and i had ideas flowing as soon as i read through the brief. I Feel like this brief is very open and isn't asking for a simple idea they want to to be inventive an innovative just like google are. Not sure reading the brief the packaging they are asking for has much use or will ever be made. The internet is the future and thats where google product are available and it convenient unlike what they are proposing.

Graze just don't know what they want they need to be told what is right. They are obviously struggling with there product and need fresh new design to liven the company up a bit. They don't want this they don't want to change the logo to much and you cant change the structure of the packaging. Don't really like the sound of this brief it just feel oddly controlled considering what needs to be done.

Here i wasn't taken away by the brief. It was more the companies take on who they wanted to target i am not to sure thats someone i could relate to as it was a fashion based and im not sure what they would want to do with paper products. On the other hand i think it would be good exploring printing techniques and potentially experimenting with paper craft and something 3D based.

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