Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Communication is a Virus

We created these Proposal boards for our pitch on Friday.

Feedback from the Presentation.
  • Get everyone to bring in stuff one day so we can give it to a charity shop.
  • Get people from college to donate some spare artwork. so we can give it away for free and asked for donations.
  • Hold a clothes swap at college.
  • Advertise things such as giving blood and signing up for organ donation. something different for people to try.
i was happy with the way that the crit went and we got great feedback and felt really positive about the project as before i was a bit optimistic and felt it didn't have much direction. we then decided to come up with come ideas for monday and look into all the different areas we want to look at and do a bit of research.

Monday Morning Group Meeting.

After the weekend we all did research into different areas of charities and giving things to others. i created a questionnaire to find out more about how students spend there time and if they are interested in doing things for charity. We also moved away from helping charities as they are very graphically strong and concentrate on students helping students.
  • Have a bin in the college on which you are able to just drop thing into such as unwanted items of clothing, books etc. This is an idea the most don't know where the charity shops are and don't want to go out of there way to drop things off. so if there is a bin they pass every day they may be more inclined to donate things more due to the easiness.
  • Another idea is a Swap Shop where there is an event where students bring clothes to swap or even there work to generate interest for themselves and getting there name out there.
  • A mail shop given to students explaining how quick it is to help people as signing up for organ donation only takes a couple of minutes.
  • Advertise this with posters around college etc.
1.Results from the Questionnaire

1. In your free time do you feel you use it productively?
Yes [5] No [12] Sometimes [9]
2.How many hours of your free time do you think you waste in one day?
One [2] Two [5] Three [4] Four [6] Five+ [9]
3. Do you give to charity?
Yes [6] No [10] Sometimes [10]
4. As a student do you think its hard giving away money to charity?
Yes [23] No [1] Sometimes [2]
5. Do you know where your local Charity shops are?
Yes [19] No [7]
6. If so do you ever donate anything to them?
Yes [11] No [15]
7. Are you an organ or blood donor?
Organ [3] Blood [5] Both [2] No [15]
8. If not, is it something you are interested in?
Yes [10] No [6] Not Sure [3] N/A [7]
9. Would any of these different ways of giving to charity appeal to you, if so which ones?
. Giving Clothes [23]
. Giving unwanted items such as technology, books and games? [18]
. Giving blood [17]
. Signing up for organ donation [12]
. Giving away some artwork to generate donations [18]
. Donating time to volunteer [10]
. Using your skills to teach [11]
. Helping with sporting activities for children [9]
. Playing Internet charity games [7]
. Other - please state [0]
Here is a graph of what are the most popular ways people would give to charity. We found that the most popular are Giving clothes, giving games and books, giving blood and giving away some work.

This is a list of things people do in there spare time. What sort of things do you fill your time with?

- Talking, watching films, going out, eating
- Music, talking to people, watching films
- Tv, Facebook
- Play bass, messing about
- Fretting about my hair, reading
- Uni work, work, sleep
- Hobbies, interests
- Watching tv, going out, phone conversations, skype
- Playing playstation, watching tv, socialising
- Tv, internet, socialising
- Guitar, xbox, uni work
- Music/guitar, facebook, seeing friends, work
- Internet, eating, facebook, socialising, sleeping, working
- Tv, shopping, socialising
- Watching films, browsing the internet
- Tv, work, drawing
- Cleaning car
- Tv, internet
- Xbox, tv
- Chilling, drawing, sleeping
- Chatting, socialising
- Socialising, drinking, eating, working
- Facebook, watching tv, socialising, reading magazine

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