Tuesday, 24 January 2012

After Effects session

Select key frames then there is option for easy ease out. which slow s
dow the start instead of a constant speed. 

Parent Child Relationships
This is where you select the parent layer. this will then make children which will imitate whatever the parent layer will do. also will rotate around the parents anchor point from now on. 

Monday, 23 January 2012

More Photoshop experiments

I have got into creating these photoshop documents and am really enjoying the style that i have started to produce. i have found a new set of Photoshop brushes i have used on this set of documents and its resembles coffee stains but when red it looks a lot like blood which is perfect for the look i am going for. 
Here i found a really good image of a screaming zombie. Used 2 different threshold layers of the same image but of different levels but merged together. Retaining the detail and have a good contrast of dark and light space.
i then Did the same to an image of a prison fencing. Fencing been handy in a zombie invasion and has strong relationship with zombie culture i felt this was the right combination of images to use an think it works really well. 

Instead of a zombie i used an image of a marine with an over the shoulder. Again i had to have 2 threshold layers as the gun is to darks to retain detail in the marine. solving this was simple i had one threshold layer for the marine cut the gun out and made that a separate layer. I sampled with a different colour background but i chose a grey but placed a big amount of red over the top. 

After Effects first Experiment with Photoshop

This is the Photoshop file i will attempt to animate. 

Wanted to make it look 3D i positioned the 2 images, one in the foreground and one in the background. 
This is the view from the front with the new positioning. i had to change to scale of the buildings to keep it the same size as the Photoshop file. 

I then added the gradient background and the grunge brushes over the top. im not animating these they are remaining still. 

The camera pans though the images making it look like the zombie is getting closer. a blood splat appears at the end of the camera pan. 
For the text i decided to sample an effect and added the blur one. The texts starts of blurred but it gradually gets more visible. 

Here is the finished experiment. not to sure how i feel about it. The colours and layout are nice i just need some movement to fill the gaps. its like your waiting for something to happen so i might attempt to fill the gaps with something.

I decided to fill the gaps with the TV is loosing signal to make it seem like there is a real epidemic happening.  i added an effect to the crackling signal to make it look like its moving and grenrally cracking up.

I added this one at the end simply just changing the opacity.  

More Photoshop Experiments

This one i am not so happy with i added a building and a zombie image but he doesn't look to scary and more human than zombie

Friday, 20 January 2012

Photoshop Experiment

Open publication - Free publishing - More photoshop

I produced another using a white background to see how it would turn out compared to the red. I find it less attractive to look and the deep red background gives more atmosphere and connotes zombies much more clearly.  

initial Drawings



Here i arranged a colour pallet of reds. which is my main idea to peruse at the moment. After talking to Lorrian about using potentially different colours which still have zombie connotations such as greens and purples.

Open publication - Free publishing - More colour

i played around with blending the colours in gradients to see if they worked well together. here are the select few which i feel have worked the best. To be honest though i am not entirely sure that these look scary basically. i will attempt play around in photoshop using my images to see if it will work. 

Zombie Pandemic Boards

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Cutting lines Expand

Bounce Experiment 3

Simple experiment where i am making all the characters jump towards a "Ledge" and fall off.
Very simple only using the postion tool and the "Z" axis.

Developing Bounce Experiment

Here i vastly improved on my previous attempt at this animation. at first the balls speed was a constant, move to slowly and didn't look natural at all.
Firstly i wanted to make the letter "E" look like it is sponging the ball as it is been compressed. Almost like there was resistance.
This was very easy to do all i had to do is make it quicker leading up to the ball then using a different key frame i slowed down the pase as it started to hit the letter.
Then to give the impression of the ball been compressed to its limit i made the letter "E" rise much quicker than it was compressed to mirror that of releasing a compressed spring.
Ball rises slower than it descends. making it look more natural.
Other than the animation finishes then the ball falls into place i made it look like a freeze frame. stopping the ball momentarily then carrying on its previous path.

Expand Lines AfterEffects

Monday, 9 January 2012

How to Survive a Zombie

Zombie + Pandemic survival list "Top 10"

No kissing with tongues
No Group hugging
Go pub (need to keep your fluids up)
Sneezing doesn't require a "bless you"just a evil stare

Grease up (so the zombies can't keep hold of you.)
Wear sunglasses (killing zombies looks way cooler if you wear them but also protects from blood splatter)
Listen to fast pasted music to get you in a zombie killing mood.
Get some stilts so you can't be reached by hungry mouths.
Avoid kissing just in case
Always carry a weapon.
Baseball bat or Shovel?
Vaseline door handels

Imagery and kinetic Type Zombie related

Zombie land kinetic type.

are you a zombie Squid Bits Zombie Drawings
zombienoms Squid Bits Zombie Drawings

Zombie Pandemic Survival. "Top 10"

Pandemic Film "Top 10"

Films which use the pandemic theme.

28 Days Later
Probably the most famous is 28 days later viral film. It plays on the zombie related theme but its a rage virus which contaminates people instead.
The cause of the virus is scientific experiment on chimps which are then released by animal rights activists . Which then released the virus out into the public.
Due o the success of the film there was a sequel made called 28 Week Later.

I Am Legend
A cure for Cancer was created but the side effects turned its victims into flesh eating creatures. They people immune to the virus were eaten by this new creature and the story is about one man's struggle to survive and find a cure.

A zombie pandemic swept America and a young shy college student lives by his 30 rules to survive in "Zombieland". Some of these rules are "look in the back seat," "double-tap," "avoid public restrooms." 

Doomsday A lethal virus spreads through the British Ilse. in an attempt to contain the virus they build a wall around scotland cutting it off completely. Years later the virus crops up in London and in failing to contain it they go in search of a cure.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

How to Survive a Pandemic. "Top 10"

Here is a quick guide to surviving a Pandemic. It says thinks such as public transport, work schools been closed. Its basically talking about the Influenza virus which is a singel unknown strain which attacks your imune system. Been a new virus i may take a few months to find a cure so tips to prevent catching influenza initially is high priority.

The 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic which infected about 27% and killed 3% of the worlds population, spreading to even remote areas of the globe even spreading to the Arctic and the Remote Pacific Islands.

The swine flu Pandemic kill about 18,000 and contained the same H1N1 influenza virus strain which had mutated.

Friday, 6 January 2012

The Pandemic. "Top Ten"

An area of Science i have ignored is the virus. Many Si-Fi films look into one virus destroying Man kind so on and so forth. Its a popular theme and has been thoroughly exploited.
There is a pretty addictive game called Pandemic where you become a virus and basically your aim is to infect everyone.
There is the link if you fancy a go. i just can't seem to infect Madagascar let me know if you have more success.

"A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν pan "all" + δῆμος demos "people") is an epidemic of infectious disease that is spreading through human populations across a large region; for instance multiple continents, or even worldwide. A widespread endemic disease that is stable in terms of how many people are getting sick from it is not a pandemic. Further, flu pandemics generally exclude recurrences of seasonal flu. Throughout history there have been a number of pandemics, such as smallpox and tuberculosis. More recent pandemics include the HIVpandemic and the H1n1 pandemic." Wikipedia definition of a Pandemic.

I have done some research into diseases and found the "top 10"

The Black Death. 75 million deaths
Polio. 10,000 death since 1916
Smallpox. Native Americans suffer a population drop from 12 Mil. to 235,000
Cholera. 12,000 Deaths since 1991Ebola. 160,000 Deaths since 2000Malaria. 2.7 Million Deaths per year-2800 children per dayBubonic Plague. 250 Million Europeans Dead (1/3 population)Spanish Flu. Between 1918-19: 50-100 Million deadInfluenza. 36,000 Deaths per yearAIDS. 25 Million since 1981
This isn't very nice subject to look at but you could easily do a project on how to avoid a pandemic and make it more light hearted. such as like avoid tongues when kissing/ no group hugs. etc. 

I could also start to relate this to a Zombie Pandemic. that could be a entertaining one to look into like the ZombieLand film. where it displays a persons own list of rules to survie a zombie pandemic. 

Light Speed. "Top 10"

The speed of light has been valued at Its value is 299,792,458 Meters a second this speed is approximately 186,282 miles per second. Einstein's Theory of relativity stated that the speed of light is the top speed that can be achieved and is how time is created so breaking this speed would suggest time travel. 

Many Si-Fi films have exploited this universal speed limit to connotate superior technology. 
Some of the most famous film to do this.

Star Wars is probably hands down the best Si-Fi films ever created. 
Here is Solo and Chewi giving light speed a go!

Star Trek

"Neutrinos faster than the speed of light" Top 10

This been the biggest scientific breakthrough to happen this century i feel this would be a up to date and relevant story to cover. Although a huge amount of doubt about this research if proven correct it will change the face of science as we know it and basically everything we have been thought will become obsoleet. 
Neutrino Detector 

There is already been a number of documentaries published about this new finding some trying to prove is validity and an equal amount trying to find flaws in the study. 
I have watched this one which argues both sides and is basically inconclusive about it with what information has been given at this time.
Here is the Synopsis for this documentary. In September 2011, an international group of scientists has made an astonishing claim – they have detected particles that seemed to travel faster than the speed of light.
It was a claim that contradicted more than a hundred years of scientific orthodoxy. Suddenly there was talk of all kinds of bizarre concepts, from time travel to parallel universes.
So what is going on? Has Einstein’s famous theory of relativity finally met its match? Will we one day be able to travel into the past or even into another universe?
In this film, Professor Marcus du Sautoy explores one of the most dramatic scientific announcements for a generation. In clear, simple language he tells the story of the science we thought we knew, how it is being challenged, and why it matters.

The bartender says we don't serve Neutrinos here, A Neutrino walks into a bar.