Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Moving image

create a new folder

Open final cut and select the setting for DV-Pal

Select Final Cut Express, then click system settings

Put all my pictures into a new folder and make sure they are the right size using photoshop.

to import images go File > Import > Folder

images should be in the folder in the browser window in the top left area of the screen.

Drag your first image into the section to which you want it to be placed in the video.

You could now play around with the pictures such as change the order and how long they pictures are on screen

if you don't want to add each image individually you can add all the images by dragging the folder down onto the time bar

then to change the duration select all the images and then press control and click on one of the images, you can then change the duration of all of the images.

If you have some of the red section at the end you can then go to sequence, Render, Both. This will then get rid of the red section at the end of a video and will create a perfectly smooth outcome.

Then go to File > Export > Quick time conversion > Edit the settings the same as Quick Time.

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