What is been communicated and how.
i am communicating my research in interesting ways to advertise a clothing company which is called The Krooked. i use info graphics to make my 100 research more interesting using things like graphs and charts to do this. i am generally looking to what extend can you arrange my initial work such as order and layout etc.
i am communicating my research in interesting ways to advertise a clothing company which is called The Krooked. i use info graphics to make my 100 research more interesting using things like graphs and charts to do this. i am generally looking to what extend can you arrange my initial work such as order and layout etc.
How well does it answer the brief?
How well has the idea been visually explored
i looked at a lot of different way of visually arranging my research through looking at other artist work, drawing and experimenting myself on illustrator. i feel i have done a substantial amount of work to come up wit my final designs so am happy with my outcomes.
What are the strenghts of the resolution?
My strengths are the amount of work it has taken me to produce final outcomes and am happy with the way my work has turned out. i also explored a lot of possibilities and different ways of promotion which i also like.
this answers the brief i feel as i have used my research which relates to 100 and i had 100 photographs also. i chose Product and Promotion and i have achieved this as i have promoted using leaflets, posters, website, business cards and vouchers. in crits people could tell that i made promotional material so i have achieved what i set out to do.
How well has the idea been visually explored
i looked at a lot of different way of visually arranging my research through looking at other artist work, drawing and experimenting myself on illustrator. i feel i have done a substantial amount of work to come up wit my final designs so am happy with my outcomes.
What are the strenghts of the resolution?
My strengths are the amount of work it has taken me to produce final outcomes and am happy with the way my work has turned out. i also explored a lot of possibilities and different ways of promotion which i also like.
How could it be improved?
Next time i would like to make things look a bit more visually appealing. i feel i haven't shown off my true design skills so i would like to prove myself next time.
Next time i would like to make things look a bit more visually appealing. i feel i haven't shown off my true design skills so i would like to prove myself next time.
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