Wednesday, 16 February 2011

End of Module Self Evaluation

1. What skills have you developed though this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
i have developed my research skills and obtaining enough information is and essential skill i learnt. Also choose a subject which interests you as i didn't and lost motivation towards the end. Another skill is illustrator and i keep develop my knowledge which has proven very helpful. But the skill that i have learnt from scratch is moving image and how to create video which i had no idea about before this term.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process.
i have learn't the more research the better. its much easier to develop a project with a lot and extensive research to back it up is much easier to pursue. I have also learn't how to structure my research in different ways such as info-graphics, graphs or formal alphabetical order etc.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these.
i am doing a good amount of development and doing more work. i feel like my work is visually appealing but not to my best standard which i want to improve on.

4. what weaknesses can you identify with your work and how will you address this more fully?
i feel like i haven't been inventive enough. i seem to be creating the standard poster, business card ideas which i feel doesn't show of my true skills. i want to pursue better ideas and be more adventurous next time.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
1. i want to blog more oftenly instead and the end of the week. i feel like 2 posts a day would keep me up to date.
2. maintain work pace instead of having loosing motivation at the end which bring my overall work down.
3. work to my full potential and be more adventurous with my designs and ideas.
4. organise my briefs better. i want to keep on top of all my current briefs instead of leaving it till the end.

How would you rate Yourself?
Attendance 5
Punctuality 4
Motivation 2
Commitment 3
Quantity of work produced 4
Quality of work produced 3
Contribution to the group 3

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Grid and Layout

Above are my final design where i picked out the best of the 6 pervious ones and created this one.

here are my grid designs for the magazine spread i chose.

Photoshop Brief

These are my Final Postcard designs which i have printed on double sided matte. i have chosen to concentrate on the colour green as the main background as that was my given colour then red shapes over the top. i chose red as it is greens complimentary colour.
changing the effects of the colour let the image come through without changing the opacity. i then used a different effect for the shapes which has given some nice transformations. in some pictures i have made it so area of some of the pictures weren't effected by the colours and see what effects that gave.

This is the process i went through to get to one of my final postcard designs.

Book Binding

these are the 3 different books we made in the book binding tutorial.

This is japanese side stitch book binding method which was the most complex of the 3 to make.

This bellow opens like a book and is bound with a simple thread stitching to keep it together.

Hard Back concertina book. this looks very professional and crisp with the hard black cover and my favourite looking of the 3.

Moving image

create a new folder

Open final cut and select the setting for DV-Pal

Select Final Cut Express, then click system settings

Put all my pictures into a new folder and make sure they are the right size using photoshop.

to import images go File > Import > Folder

images should be in the folder in the browser window in the top left area of the screen.

Drag your first image into the section to which you want it to be placed in the video.

You could now play around with the pictures such as change the order and how long they pictures are on screen

if you don't want to add each image individually you can add all the images by dragging the folder down onto the time bar

then to change the duration select all the images and then press control and click on one of the images, you can then change the duration of all of the images.

If you have some of the red section at the end you can then go to sequence, Render, Both. This will then get rid of the red section at the end of a video and will create a perfectly smooth outcome.

Then go to File > Export > Quick time conversion > Edit the settings the same as Quick Time.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Collection 100 Evaluation

What is been communicated and how.
i am communicating my research in interesting ways to advertise a clothing company which is called The Krooked. i use info graphics to make my 100 research more interesting using things like graphs and charts to do this. i am generally looking to what extend can you arrange my initial work such as order and layout etc.

How well does it answer the brief?
this answers the brief i feel as i have used my research which relates to 100 and i had 100 photographs also. i chose Product and Promotion and i have achieved this as i have promoted using leaflets, posters, website, business cards and vouchers. in crits people could tell that i made promotional material so i have achieved what i set out to do.

How well has the idea been visually explored
i looked at a lot of different way of visually arranging my research through looking at other artist work, drawing and experimenting myself on illustrator. i feel i have done a substantial amount of work to come up wit my final designs so am happy with my outcomes.

What are the strenghts of the resolution?
My strengths are the amount of work it has taken me to produce final outcomes and am happy with the way my work has turned out. i also explored a lot of possibilities and different ways of promotion which i also like.

How could it be improved?
Next time i would like to make things look a bit more visually appealing. i feel i haven't shown off my true design skills so i would like to prove myself next time.

Collection 100

These are my final printed posters. i printed them A3 on Matte paper although i initially intended to print A2 so on a large scale to grab peoples attention but due to costs i felt that printing my favourites and at A3 would be acceptable. i am happy with the way that they have come out although i felt they looked more interesting and engaging on screen and now printed they don't have the same impact.

Collection 100

here are my mock posters just testing out how they look when printed. overall i am happy with how they have turned out although there are a few tweaks needed till i print properly. the style triangle one above i feel the colours are to vibrant and with thin out the lines so they won't stand out as much.

the top triangles poster i feel the background need to have a higher opacity as it needs to sit behind the main focus more and just add interest instead of standing out to much.

Collection 100

this is my finished leaflet design which im pretty happy with although i feel the design could look more projectional.

Collection 100

Here are some business cards i have created using the info-graphics. they work together like the front and back connect up.

Collection 100

Just a quick concept of making vouchers for the shop using the info graphics. i am not going to develop this idea as i feel having the idea and the concept is enough.

Collection 100

this is a leaflet i have designed to help customers understand the info-graphic posters. its a small bit of information which i feel would help people understand what they are about.

this is the inside of the leaflet with all the information.
The outside is a front cover and the a small poster which you can cut off and stick up.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Collection 100

just a little idea to demonstrate the triangles and have a picture of the person who chose the look so you get an idea of what it looks like.

Collection 100

After a the crit i was told that my work was a bit confusing and needed explaining but good points were the idea of using info graphics for advertising and it was visually appealing. i will try and solve this problem.

Collection 100

this is the final poster design.
Next i put speech quotations to emphasise the message i'm trying to put across.
Making it look a it more interesting i added the shape again but very light which gives the impression of it been more busy and full.

I added all the brands i used for the graph for this next poster where i aimed to make a speech bubble shape, this is because i am using the slogan "Let the brands do the talking"