We chose a simple experiment which can be done int the home without much problem. We wanted to grow our own bacteria in medium.
There are plenty of websites which have information on this sort of experiment so finding how to do it wasn't hard.
I also emailed the client to ask for some advice on the experiment as they deal with growing medium all the time. They were willing to help and sent some information about what sort of things would give colour and a warming not to grow anything at 37C as that can produce some very harmful things.
From Client
"For the growth media, the colourful bacteria colonies come from adding substrate to the media that certain bacteria turn into colourful products. One of these is called Xgal. Most of the the bacteria and yeasts you'll get will generate white or pink colonies. If they are smeared on the plate at too higher densities they will just grow a lawn and that won't look too cool. Some moulds you might get might be colourful.
Beware if you manage to grow them at 37C instead of room temp. Some nasty dangerous shiz can grow at 37C. Lots of things will grow happily at 23-25C, but they are less likely to be really dangerous (doesn't mean they are safe though..)
Your nutrient medium is going to need to contain (minimally) a carbon source (typically 1-6% sucrose), a nitrogen source (amino acids for body builders?), some inorganic salts (bit of sea salt?), and sometimes some more complex nutrients (crushed multi-vitamin pill?). The medium that is used to grow Ecoli is pretty simiple, look up LB-Agar. Look up some media used to grow fungi. Definately look up "streaking out" bacteria, which will give you an idea how to spread a potential source of bacteria onto a plate so that you get individual colonies instead of a lawn"
Beware if you manage to grow them at 37C instead of room temp. Some nasty dangerous shiz can grow at 37C. Lots of things will grow happily at 23-25C, but they are less likely to be really dangerous (doesn't mean they are safe though..)
Your nutrient medium is going to need to contain (minimally) a carbon source (typically 1-6% sucrose), a nitrogen source (amino acids for body builders?), some inorganic salts (bit of sea salt?), and sometimes some more complex nutrients (crushed multi-vitamin pill?). The medium that is used to grow Ecoli is pretty simiple, look up LB-Agar. Look up some media used to grow fungi. Definately look up "streaking out" bacteria, which will give you an idea how to spread a potential source of bacteria onto a plate so that you get individual colonies instead of a lawn"
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