Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Loose Beanie Designs

Open publication - Free publishing - More beenie

Two really simple designs i would like to get on a beanie hat. I would like to produce a small label which is then sown onto the hat. one using the fox logo and the other with the original.
I will have to research to find out how to get this printed or to have the labels made up. our budget it pretty low at the moment so not sure if we will be able to buy in bulk. 

Development of Fox symbol

Open publication - Free publishing - More fox

After the crit i got some feedback that the fox logo was really strong and should use it more. It wasn't at a stage where i am happy with it so i chose to develop it to make it more finished.

I tidied up all the line first as some weren't lining up very well. Next i altered the shape of the face to make it look a bit more natural. i just felt the face was uneven so i took in one of the sides.

Next i took in the nose slightly making it shorter which again made it look more realistic.

In the crit one of the comments was to make the loose fit better with the logo so i curved it to so it was more fluid round the outside of the logo. 

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Prolifera Meeting

Eddie and I delegated the last few jobs between us to attempt to get them finished by the end of next week.
I wanted to do some layout so i was going to produce one of the papers. i would do the stationary and the website as well. then eddie would finish his paper to layout and the photo-jornal.
We need to get everything lazer cut printed and bound.

Hopefully this will allow us to get this finishing and stop dragging the project out further than it needs to. I really need to get this finished the project is dragging out and i really need to move on with my other briefs soon.
I think this will get Eddie to finish what he needs to and create some really good work like i know we can

Monday, 29 October 2012

Working out Costs

I have set up an Exel Document to start keep track of our spending for the project so we know what we have spent our money on and how many items of clothing we have in stock. 
I will keep this going and have decided opon myslef to keep this up to date. 
Not used Excel in about 10 years so am a bit rusty. Hopefully i can make it more user friendly and have a better layout. 

Business card Ideas

I produced a few drawings of different ways i could have the business cards. I really like idea of lazer-cutting the logo out and having one of the microscopic images behind it. The other idea i like is having them fit 4 together to make the whole logo. I think i will experiment with these ideas to see if they would have the desired effects. 

My final idea was to have the business card a pack of seeds to grow your own plant but felt like this was a bit save the planet kind of thing and didn't apply to the corporate market it is ment to. 

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Imagery Received by Client

These are a select few images given to use by the client which we are free to use. They have been taken with an electron microscope giving amazing detail. I am pretty excited to get using some of these. I plan to make the most of these and hopefully put a book together showcasing these amazing photographs. 

Wednesday, 24 October 2012


I had one good sheet of feedback after spending the whole morning criting about 5 other peoples 3-4 briefs. Really not happy about the amount i am putting into these crits and the little i am getting from them. 
One pair gav me some god feedback about my work and that i need to move on from where i am and develop into print and web now. 

Crit Boards Loose Clothing

Me n Chris sat down together and got some boards done for the crit.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

The Paper that we plan to layout

This one of the two papers we plan to layout for the Prolifera Tech project. There is some layout considerations here and the images will make it more interesting to play around with compared to an essay without images.
I am excited to start having a go at this and finally do some layout as i have been wanting to expand my skills in this area.

Photographic T-shirts

Here i have laid out some of my t-shrit design on blank tees to get an idea how they would look. 

This impossible shape i really like it could use some development. 

I got in touch with the photographer who took this photo and he gave me permission to use it for t-shirt is i do end up printing it. I felt like the model looks pretty 'loose' so thought it would make a good t-shirt. I did some quite drawings on the storm trooper helmet like what drunk people do. I do like this image not sure if i will use it though

Simple small logo

Crazy pattern design. Would be really hard to print as the pattern is 3 colours and would need lining up perfectly.

The no pain no gain t-shirt. bit rude but i like the playfulness and think images of girls on tees is pretty in right now. 

More T-shirt Designs

Here are some initial ideas i had for t-shirts. I kept vector based as i wanted to expeiment with this field the most. I had a couple of quotes that i fought would make nice t-shirts which were "Sex Sells" "Say Cheese" and also "no pain no gain" i used these as a starting point and created my interpretation of the quotes to get me warmed up. 

 I am really happy with this design. i took the say cheese quote and took if from the perspective of inside the lens so you can see the aperture which creates a nice pattern. I put a vector of animal teeth behind it.

Simple idea for the sex sells as they are nearly the same word so with a graphic tablet i drew the lls to create the word sells.  

Meeting with Eddie to Decide the final Logo

At this moment of time we don't have a final logo which we are both using. We have agreed on the symbol but still needed to finish it off. We came together with our favourite variations and discussed with a few other course-mates to see which people preferred. 

Monday, 22 October 2012

we are making some science

Me and Eddie decided to do some primary research which involve doing some experiments which we could photograph.

We wanted to grow some interesting bacteria in petri dishes to see if we can get some nice imagery from is for posters or for the publication we are going to create.

There was 2 attempts at creating a jelitin solution to grow our bug on. The solution is basically food for bacteria so we used in one batch Gelatine, sugar, chicken stock and water. We found that the chicken stock cubes changed the colour of the water so it wasn't clear. Not a
happy with this result we only filled a few dishes with this solution and made a 2nd batch without the stock cubes. This turned out much better.

Leaving the solution to solidify in the fridge we took swobs of this which contain bacteria such as:
food, clothing, household appliances, bins, furniture and human samples taken from mouths and feet to see if we can grow a variety of colours and patterns forming.

Another experiment we have done is to create home grown crystals using a simple comcopsion of salt and vinegar and leave the solution to evaporate.

Initial Loose T-shirt Designs

Here i went about applying my symbols that i made and applied them to some blank t-shirts to see how they would look on blank t-shirts. I really like the way they have turned out looking and the simple designs sit really well on the grey and white colours. 

Heat press test

Me and Chris produced some designs to test whether heat press was the direction to go down for full colour images. We printed a different range of images to see if they would work. While printing we were informed that you need a polyester based fabric for it to actually work. This is not good as the stock we have brought in to print is 100% cotton.

Proposed Research Prolifera

Eddie and myself wanted to do some primary research which enabled us to do some scientific experiments to come up with some imagery. We knew what we wanted to do but we had to wait for the petri dishes to arrive which i ordered off the internet.

We chose a simple experiment which can be done int the home without much problem. We wanted to grow our own bacteria in medium. 
There are plenty of websites which have information on this sort of experiment so finding how to do it wasn't hard. 

I also emailed the client to ask for some advice on the experiment as they deal with growing medium all the time. They were willing to help and sent some information about what sort of things would give colour and a warming not to grow anything at 37C as that can produce some very harmful things. 

From Client

"For the growth media, the colourful bacteria colonies come from adding substrate to the media that certain bacteria turn into colourful products. One of these is called Xgal. Most of the the bacteria and yeasts you'll get will generate white or pink colonies. If they are smeared on the plate at too higher densities they will just grow a lawn and that won't look too cool. Some moulds you might get might be colourful.

Beware if you manage to grow them at 37C instead of room temp. Some nasty dangerous shiz can grow at 37C. Lots of things will grow happily at 23-25C, but they are less likely to be really dangerous (doesn't mean they are safe though..)

Your nutrient medium is going to need to contain (minimally) a carbon source (typically 1-6% sucrose), a nitrogen source (amino acids for body builders?), some inorganic salts (bit of sea salt?), and sometimes some more complex nutrients (crushed multi-vitamin pill?). The medium that is used to grow Ecoli is pretty simiple, look up LB-Agar. Look up some media used to grow fungi. Definately look up "streaking out" bacteria, which will give you an idea how to spread a potential source of bacteria onto a plate so that you get individual colonies instead of a lawn"

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Teaching myself about "The Grid"

I have decided to teach myself more about the Grid as i feel like it is one of the more imo=portant skills of graphic design and can spill out into other areas such as=s logo design, web and print. I will practice my layout skills every sunday while reading up on the subject. i will do some experiment in laying out existing articles and see if i can develop my skills. This week i read up about the different types of grids and trolled through my books and magazines to see if i could determine what type of grid is used.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Loose Symbols

Further Logo Development. Loose

Rolls Of the Collaboration

Loose Clothing rolls

We need to dedicate rolls within the collaboration as otherwise we will just be going in circles and both end up doing the same jobs. Me been stronger at logo design and branding i will take charge of the logo and creating the brand collatoral that will be made.
Chris is going to focus on the photographic element, taking photos of products and making the look book at the end of the brief.
Together we both want to create t-shirts in the design and printing of them. I feel we wil be much more productive now we have settled on what our rolls are within the collab.

Tutorial with Andy

I spoke to Andy about my two current briefs loose clothing and Proliefera tech. I didn't have to much to show at the time but i presente my current work to see what he had to say about it. 

He said the current loose logo didn't feel 'loose' enough which i really agree with and he gave me a massive amount of illustrative type to go away and look at for inspiration.

For the Prolifera tech he liked the concept of the logo but after talking about the comany he want to see more relevance to cloning and using a semant to create a pattern. I felt like this a good idea and i think i will peruse this idea and try make it fit with what i have produced. 

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Applying Pattern Design

Pattern Development Prolifera Tech

Open publication - Free publishing - More pattern

I felt a bit constricted by the initial pattern i created so i had a look in drastically changing it to see whether if there is something i had missed before i got to comfortable with my first idea.
These patterns are more floral i feel. I really like some of the designs i created although i hate to say after all this time i think i prefer the original one. 

Logo Development Prolifera Tech

Open publication - Free publishing - More logo

Here i am experimenting more with the Phyllotaxis pattern as i think this direction has a huge amount of potential for a logo.
I applied some of my ideas to text to see how it will look.
I am happy with what i am coming up with but im going to stay away from the green as it looks a bit like the BP logo which i do not want to happen. 

Further Logo Development

Open publication - Free publishing - More logo

Here i Experimented more with the written word with the graphic tablet then neatened  the ones i like up with the pen tool to create smoother curves.
I am happy with these sets of Ideas i think i'm going in the right direction for the logo design.
It is also becoming more apparent that the word Loose doens't 'flow' as nicely as i would of hoped. The L at the start is one of the more boring letters to start with, the double o is also hard to work with. Then the s to the e is hard to join up naturally. I surpose it's our own fault for coming up with this but i gona keep having a go at it to see if i can develop my ideas further. 

Friday, 12 October 2012

Logo Development for Loose Clothing

Open publication - Free publishing - More clothing

Here are my initial screen experiment where i played around with a Graphic tablet to see whether i could get some different pressures and thicknesses of my written word. I also developed one of my initial drawings which i really liked.
The outcomes of this experiment are not something I am taking a fancy to what so ever.
 I will experiment more with writing the word and develop it much further until i fin something I am happy with. 

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Group Tutorial With Fred

The group tutorial with Fred and a few of my coursemates went alright. i had a few initial logo designs/drawings with me which is a bit more than most people had. 
I came out having better knowledge of how i need to arrange my collaborations and delegate jobs and rolls. 

Monday, 8 October 2012

Initial Drawings Loose Clothing

Prolifera Tech

Open publication - Free publishing - More logo

Eddie and I have been collaborating on initial designs and ideas for the Logo and potential typefaces.
We have been looking into Phyllotaxis and how this form is put together. Eddie sent me his initial drawings then i played around with different shapes curves and typefaces.
We decided on a serif font to show maturity and a sense of education.

Talk about Loose Clothing's Image

Me and Chris got together to discuss a bit more in-depth about how we want to Identity of the company to look.
We both have different styles of work as chris is a very structured designer with a focus on typography and photography and i would say i focus on illustrative type and branding. We needed to come to an agreement of how we want our logo to look.

We want to go down the route of hand rendered type to give it more personality and represent our personalities more in the company.

These are two examples that i showed chris as i feel these are two very attractive pieces of hand rendered type. Which i feel best reprisent my ideas. 

After the chat we both seemed pretty clued up to what we want and just wanted to get some initial ideas down on paper.