Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Ident 4 Epic Scene

This final ident i used my Epic scene from the title sequence. I absolutely love this scene so i decided it would look pretty sexy as an ident. The inspiration i used was the gears of war game advertisement which uses epic imagery with a really slow song which i really like and it works amazingly despite the nature of the game and the song been totally different. 

I used the lighting effect as i did previously on this scene but witha few differences. i admit i didn't make a story board for this ident as anticipated to just make a composition out of the previous one and use that but i tried this and it really didn't work with the music at all.
I edited so i had a black screen at the start and the end of the film and filled the middle with my imagery. The music wouldn't work with a shaky camera so i had slow movement to give it more interest compared to a still image. tried 2 different parts of the song one with speaking the other just the backing track. i prefer the one without siniging in it, sounds more epic. i love this ident and it was a really strong one to finish on.

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