Wednesday, 8 February 2012


What skills have you developed throughout this module and how effectively have you applied them? 

The skills i have developed has to be After Effects. i had know idea about anything this programme had to offer never used it never even heard of it. Even from doing my 5 silent moves before christmas my skills have developed massively which i sure you can see from the huge difference of quality from silent movies and the top 10 animation. I spent a huge amount of time researching techniques and how far i could push this programme which helped me massively. Another thing i have done is organise my films more i usually shove everything in one film but for this i had networks of folders which helped me organise the abundance of files i had to work with. 

What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

I have lean't much bout animating techniques from sound, camer movement, masks, null objects, applying effects, pace, file organisation, lighting and i went out my way to develop these skills of my own back watching tutorials and researching online. i feel i have applied everything i know into this and my videos get better with time i feel as am constantly learning new things i wanted to apply to my animations. 

What strengths can you identify in your work and how will you capitalize on these?

Strengths has to be software skills i already had a good knowledge on Photoshop and i feel that helped me grasp AfterEffects quickly also. For all my imagery i used Photoshop and i think they are stong and work very well with my animation. Other strengths is commitment i started animating way before most and i set myself goals to finish by and i stuck to them however much sleep i lost and i think my dedication shows on my animations which i am very proud of.  

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you adress these in the future?

My weaknesses has to be blogging i am a sucker for producing work and leaving blogging to the end and this was not a project which allowed you to do this in time. I may of started animating early and finished all my animations the friday before hand-in but i didn't blog and it was a mammoth task to do it all as its a totally different ball game compared to print. Another weakness was my lack of story boards i didn't develop them i just produced what i had drawn the first time and stuck to it with very little changes.  this is another regret i just get pulled in to doing the fun stuff and leave the rest.

Identify 5 things you would do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from them?

  1. I say this every time. blog more i need to seriously change my ways and keep up to date on my blogging and i hate myself for doing this all the time. 
  2. Story board more. draw more, just develop in general. 
  3. Make todo lists and keep on track with all the tasks and deadlines i am given. 
  4. Become more confident with my writing i put it off as long as possible because i am just not comfortable doing it. i just need to spend more time writing up things as it takes me ages but putting it off just makes it harder to catch up.
  5. Not take a couple days of 2 days before a deadline for my 21st. despite anticipating this and working my ass of to get animations done there is always a huge amount to blog and write up. 
Attendance: 5
Punctuality: 5
Motivation: 5
Commitment: 4
Quality of work produced: 4 
Quantity of work produced: 2
Contribution to group: N/A

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