Monday, 25 April 2011

What is a Line?

i then made an alphabet using barcodes which you can scan. i initially wanted to make a linear barcode alphabet but it doesn't scan on my phone so a went with this style.
these are the two final designs again with a scannable barcode at the bottom.

i then made a couple of other objects which i chose to illustrate two more people with. again the barcodes in each say what the object is.

i gave the object some meaning and related it to someone. i then also made a scannable barcode for the bottom which says everything which is on the poster.

This is my first attempt of making an object out of a barcode which i experimented with in my drawings. i feel it has turned out looking really nice. for the barcode within the comb it actually spells afro comb but isn't scannable due to the outline and irregular shape.
A quick font i experimented with using helvetica as a base i filled it with black bars representing a barcode. at first i left it at that but when i went back i added some numbers in the gapes beneath letters to make it seem more like a barcode.

This one bellow i went on a website to create my own barcode. it hold information such as my name, age, weight and country of origin. so i thought of introducing myself as a barcode which could be scanned and people could get the information about my quickly.
i started looking at having messages in barcode such as quotes and famous sayings which kind of relate to code. this one bellow is a quote by Bruce Jay Friedman which reads.

"A Code of Honor: Never approach a friend's girlfriend or wife with mischief as your goal. There are just too many women in the world to justify that sort of dishonorable behavior. Unless she's really attractive"

i feel that this is a cleaver way of showing information and is readable when you scan it in with the redlazer app for smart phones.

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