End of Module Self Evaluation
1. What skills have you developed though this module and how
effectively do you think you have applied them?
i have developed understanding on different areas surrounding graphic design such as colour and layout and grid and making books. it has helped me broaden my knowledge of graphics as initially i am used to just picking nice colours and not really thinking about the meaning and choosing a pantone so it prints how i want. another thing is layout in InDesign. i learnt how important having my work lining up is.
2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process.
i haven't really learnt research techniques in this module as it is mainly looked at area of design. it has helped with understanding things i should look for within my research but not helped or given me any techniqes.
3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these.
I feel i have appreciated some of the project within this module such as the hotdog fold books and colour theory and feel the book one is my strongest project.
4. what weaknesses can you identify with your work and how will you address this more fully?
The module is very hard to keep track of as it runs for such a long time and i feel i couldn't keep track of it and possibly missed sections out. i have a huge ammount of trouble organising all the different areas and projects.
5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
1. Find a way to keep track of what i need to do a bit more.
2. not leave work to the last minute to record.
3. work to my full potential and be more adventurous with my designs and ideas.
4. forget about motivation and just work despite not enjoying the brief.
How would you rate Yourself?
Attendance 5
Punctuality 4
Motivation 2
Commitment 3
Quantity of work produced 4
Quality of work produced 3
Contribution to the group 3
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