Saturday, 12 May 2012

Artist Logo Design

Open publication - Free publishing - More design

Here is a little repeat pattern i given a go. i like it but not sure its what im looking for. 

A nice little pattern using some nice colours and triangles. I like this pattern and maybe attempt to develop this further and maybe make bigger and more intricate. 

After listening to Tom Demac's music i found he produces liquid sounding tunes ans i was messing around with liquify on Photoshop with some gradients. The effect i ended up with looks SICK and i hope to make some more of these. 

Sadly i am using RGB here because the colours are just amazing i think i need to make myself go back to the old CMYK before i get carried away with really vivid colours. 

Attempted  to make a artist logo similar to what i have made for the hypercolour logo. didn't work out as well but still development. 

1 comment:

  1. i like the direction your work is going in matt,
    keep doing this.
    looks well nice.
    luv u
